What is UKCHO:
The UK Confederation of Hypnotherapy Organisations was founded in 1998 in order to provide a non-political arena to discuss and implement changes to the profession of hypnotherapy. UKCHO is a Members’ Co-operative limited by guarantee. As a Confederation of Member Organisations UKCHO does not have any individual members.
UKCHO Member Organisations are either Registering Bodies and/or Accrediting Bodies. Training Schools may join as Associate Members of UKCHO.
What are our priorities:
- To ensure that the professional therapists of our member organisations meet the highest training standards. To review and monitor training standards in a fast-changing environment. We now have a new training approval logo:

UKCHO guidance for online training
Core Curriculum for Hypnotherapy
- To promote knowledge about the efficacy and range of therapy available utilising hypnosis.
- To promote the clearly defined the difference between stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy
- To create a unified voice for hypnotherapy
- To lobby for an integrated approach to healthcare, we are proud to be members of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine as part of this work. For more information on RCCM click here:
- To establish strong, clear descriptors for hypnotherapy which will assist both therapists and the general public.
- As a stakeholder of NICE to ensure hypnotherapy is considered in the treatment areas that are appropriate. For more information on the work of NICE click here:
Unified register
“With a unified Register of Members, patients and members of the public would then have a single, reliable point of reference for standards, and would be protected against the risk of poorly-trained practitioners and have redress for poor service”.
(House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology Report on CAM’).