Daily Mail OnlineI saw the headline: ‘Would you let a stranger hypnotise you on zoom?’ in the MailOnline and had to brace myself to open it. The media have, let’s face it not been kind to hypnotherapy over the years and are inclined to depict us as magicians at best and fraudulent tricksters at worst. Imagine my surprise when I finally found the courage to open this article to find a really positive well-argued piece by Flic Everett supporting doing hypnosis online.

Flic Everett

Flic Everett. Photo copyright Daily Mail.

Flic had been having trouble sleeping during the lockdown and in desperation turned to hypnosis. The levels of anxiety and trauma of the lockdown have led many to think outside the box and at last hypnotherapy is finding its place as a powerful tool that can affect change more quickly than many of the talking therapies.

I share the awareness that the article voices that hypnosis is, for many, linked solely to ideas of regression taking you back to scary locked away memories and even creating false memories. It is long overdue to leave this outdated and distorted view behind, as regression is a small part of the work we do and done with discussion and a client’s consent.

We are using a wide range of therapeutic techniques in hypnosis to unlock problems from anxiety to addiction, depression to phobias and just about any other mental health issue along the way.  This positive piece for treating insomnia begins that process of opening people’s minds in a very accessible way.

Flic cites a study done by Manchester University last year which reported that people having online hypnosis found significant improvement from their therapy, so not only are we exploding some myths here about hypnosis but online too.

I had to work hard to shift some of my clients online during the lockdown, but once they were there, they too realised that there was not much difference to being in my therapy room. Thank you MailOnline for giving us a fair hearing at last. You can read the article here: